

In what countries are you available?

Our weather is global, however, for the most accurate weather forecasts, Weather Bar is available in the United States, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom. It is also available with only a 5 day forecast in most of Europe, Centeral and South America as well as parts of Asia and Africa and Austrailia.

Where do you get your data?

Weather Bar uses Dark Sky as our primary data source for the United States, Ireland and the United Kingdom. In additional to Dark Sky, Weather Bar is backed by a other local weather data sources, which are aggregated together to provide the most accurate forecast possible for a given location.

Can I choose my own preferred units?

You sure can. In Settings, you can find language choices on the General tab and units (Fahrenheit to Celsius) in on the Weather tab.

Can I choose my own preferred language?

Currently we only support a number of lanuages including Engish, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish but we are expanding this now. If you have suggestions please let us know.


How is my location determined?

Your current location is based on your public Internet IP Address. We use a third party service to map your IP Address to latitude and longitude coordinates which will provide us with a city and region. You can always set your default location by city/region if you need a more accurate setting. You can do this in the Settings > Weather section under Lcoation.

Why isn’t the location showing my exact address?

We use your public Internet IP Address alomg with a third party geocoder services to determine your current location and address. Typically, this should be close to accurate, but not always perfect. It will not affect your forecasts, however, since we use your latitude and longitude coordinates to generate a forecast. However, you can always set your default location by city/region if you need a more accurate setting. You can do this in the Settings > Weather section under Lcoation.

Why am I seeing forecasts for an old location?

If you have traveled and connected to a new network, your old location might still be cached. If this is the case go to Settings > Weather and under location click on the location Weather Bar 'thinks' you are at and it will attempt to find your new location.


Follow the step-by-step instructions on this page to remove Weather Bar from your computer.

Windows 10/8

  1. Open the start screen by moving the mouse to the lower-left corner of the screen and clicking the Start button.
  2. Open Control Panel by typing control panel and then clicking Control Panel.
  3. Open Programs and Features by clicking Uninstall a program.
  4. Select Weather Bar and then click Uninstall.

Windows 7

  1. Open Control Panel by clicking the Start button and clicking Control Panel.
  2. Open Programs and Features by clicking Uninstall a program.
  3. Select Weather Bar and then click Uninstall.

Need Additional Help?

Please contact us at [email protected].